R&D engineer PhD in computer science
I’m currently R&D engineer at OCamlPro, in the SuperBOL team where I contribute to the GnuCOBOL compiler and build tools for the COBOL language.
The COBOL language is present in legacy systems for public administrations, banks or insurance firms.
ReFL research network
I’m also a co-founder and the coordinator of ReFL, a French scientific network of people interested in fundamental questions of logic, computation and mathematics. We are mainly influenced by the developments of linear logic and its links with computer science.
I organise seminars and events for the ReFL research network gathering researchers on the foundations of logic and computation.
Independent research
I do independent research at my own (slow) pace on the foundations of logic and its connexions with computation (Curry-Howard correspondance, proof theory, type theoyr, …). I’m especially interested in Girard’s transcendental syntax on which I did my PhD thesis. I consider it is currently the most satisfying theory of logic and computation.
I develop Stellogen, an experimental programming language based on Girard’s transcendental syntax.