Works on COBOL

I contribute to the GnuCOBOL open source C transpiler for COBOL since 2024.

Independent research

Computational foundations of logic

I (slowly) develop the theory of Girard’s transcendental syntax with other ReFL members and I’m also trying to develop tools and programs such as the Transcendental Syntax project.

ReFL research network

I organise seminars and events for the ReFL research network gathering (mostly young) researchers on the foundations of logic and computation.


Academic research

PhD thesis in computer science / mathematical logic

I was a PhD student at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord from 2019 to June 2024, supervised by Thomas Seiller and Damiano Mazza.

I had some reflections on the relation between the computational complexity of (lambda-)terms and Turing machines and boolean circuits (invariance thesis) in the context of implicit computational complexity (ICC) with Damiano Mazza but I mainly worked with Thomas Seiller on deciphering Jean-Yves Girard last project of “transcendental syntax” proposing a new computational foundation for logic based on its works on linear logic (and more especially proof-net theory).

PhD thesis: “An exgesis of transcendental syntax”

Other presentations

Teaching (University)

Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (2022-2023)

192 hours (ATER position)

Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (2021-2022)

64 hours

Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (2020-2021)

64 hours

Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (2019-2020)

64 hours
