Works on COBOL
I contribute to the GnuCOBOL open source C transpiler for COBOL since 2024.
Independent research
Computational foundations of logic
I (slowly) develop the theory of Girard’s transcendental syntax with other ReFL members and I’m also trying to develop tools and programs such as the Transcendental Syntax project.
ReFL research network
I organise seminars and events for the ReFL research network gathering (mostly young) researchers on the foundations of logic and computation.
- Introduction à la Géométrie de l’Interaction. ReFL seminar, February 2023 (online), 35min.
Academic research
PhD thesis in computer science / mathematical logic
I was a PhD student at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord from 2019 to June 2024, supervised by Thomas Seiller and Damiano Mazza.
I had some reflections on the relation between the computational complexity of (lambda-)terms and Turing machines and boolean circuits (invariance thesis) in the context of implicit computational complexity (ICC) with Damiano Mazza but I mainly worked with Thomas Seiller on deciphering Jean-Yves Girard last project of “transcendental syntax” proposing a new computational foundation for logic based on its works on linear logic (and more especially proof-net theory).
PhD thesis: “An exgesis of transcendental syntax”
Other presentations
- Transcendental Syntax: a toolbox for the interface logic-computation. GT Scalp. November 2021 Fontainbleau, 20min.
- A technical reading of the Transcendental Syntax. LDP Seminar. September 2021 Marseille, 90min.
- Entretien de suivi de thèse. September 2021 Villetaneuse, 30min.
- A gentle introduction to Girard’s Transcendental Syntax. TLLA 2021, June 2021 Roma (online), 15min. [Extended abstract]
- From computation to a reconstruction of (linear) logic. Midlands Graduate School 2021, April 2021 Midlands (online), 10-15min.
- Transcendental Syntax - The dynamics of logic programs and tilings, applied to Linear Logic. LIPN Seminar, March 2021 Villetaneuse (online), 70-80min.
- A taste of Girard’s Transcendental Syntax. Workshop Proof-Nets, January 2021 Montpellier (online), 20min.
Teaching (University)
Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (2022-2023)
192 hours (ATER position)
- Programmation 1, TD/TP (L1 Mathématique-informatique):
C language - Programmation Orientée Objet, TP (L2 Informatique):
OO programming in Java - Spécifications algébriques et test logiciel, TD (L2 Informatique):
proof methods, proof by induction on lists and trees, formal specifications - Programmation logique, TD (Sup Galilée 2):
logic programming with Prolog - Programmation 2, TP (L1 Mathématique-informatique):
recursion, memoisation, pointers, arrays, structures, sort algorithms - Initiation web, TP (L1 Informatique):
HTML, CSS - Systèmes & réseaux, TP (L2 Informatique):
processes, threads, synchronization, sockets - Programmation distribuée, TP (M1 Informatique):
sockets, client-server, concurrent and distributed programming in Java
Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (2021-2022)
64 hours
- Programmation 1, TD/TP (L1 Mathématique-informatique):
C language - Calculabilité & Décidabilité, TD (L3 Informatique):
Turing machines, computability, diagonalization, complexity theory
Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (2020-2021)
64 hours
- Programmation 1, TD/TP (L1 Mathématique-informatique):
C language - Fondements de la programmation, TD (M1 Informatique):
sequential and parallel abstract machines, lambda-calculus, Turing machines - Programmation fonctionnelle, TD (L2 Informatique):
lambda-calculus, fixpoint operators, simple types, unification algorithm, type inference
Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (2019-2020)
64 hours
- Informatique 1, TD/TP (L1 Physique-Chimie & Sciences pour l’ingénieur):
C language - Informatique 2, TD (L1 Physique-Chimie & Sciences pour l’ingénieur):
pointers, multi-dimensional arrays - Logique, TD (L1 Informatique):
truth tables, proof by induction, proof systems (NK, LK) - Programmation fonctionnelle, TP (L2 Informatique):
- De la Géométrie de l’Interaction à la Syntaxe Transcendentale (2019/incomplete) with Thomas Seiller.
[report] [slides] [subject] - Sur l’espace des termes et des machines (2018/incomplete) with Damiano Mazza.
[report] [slides] - Etude du langage PCF à travers les réseaux de preuve de la logique linéaire (2017) with Michele Pagani and Delia Kesner.
[report] - Formalisation des garanties de sécurité apportées par l’isolation de composants logiciels (2016) with Yannis Juglaret.
[report] [slides] [source]